We live with the four of us under the stairs. …well, sleep! Our owners haven’t got a big garden, but by arranging everything efficiently they have tried to make as much space as possible for us.

De fundering graven tegen indringers en weglopers

Digging the tub

15 centimeter (about 6 inch) beneath the surface we made a big tub of pavement curbs and concrete blocks which ensures that we can not sneak off …and of course, so we do not get any unwanted intruders.

Wij proberen vast ons huis uit

We are trying out our new coop

Our chicken roost and rabbit hutch is placed under the stairs and because these sizes are not for sale, it is completely custom made. Even our coop is custom made, so it fits tightly in the space that is left.

Het hok onder de trap

The loft under the stairs. No windows yet

It has taken the necessary minutes… hours… days! There are a lot of meters hardwood, scaffolding wood, screws, mesh and energy. We are very proud of the result.

Onze hele ren in beeld

The complete coop. Finished!